Soul-led Creative Women with Sam Horton

Transforming your business brand with soulful, creative rituals and practices, with Isabel Bagsik

β€’ Sam Horton β€’ Episode 19

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In this episode, I’m talking with Isabel Bagsik (she/her)  Isabel fuses brand design with creative wellness to support authentic branding and creative visions. We talk about all things creativity brand design and wellness

πŸ’— Creativity and its place within hustle culture 
πŸ’— Isabel's views on human creativity and that we are all inherently creative beings 
πŸ’— Creativity and soulful magnetic brand design 
πŸ’— Supporting clients to realise their branding vision 
πŸ’— Creativity and wellness, including Isabel’s personal story 
πŸ’— Powerful questions women should ask themselves to put more heart and soul into their brand and their business 

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